戦場だけじゃない!韓・日の基地にも広がる劣化ウラン弾 (3/23)
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追伸:みなさんに白血病の新しい事例の写真を送ろうとしましたが、ここバグダッドでは接続状況がとても悪いし、転送速度が遅いため送れませんでした。明後日、再び試みたいと思います。 2006/7/1


2003年の占領前までは、そこは世界のどこにでもある普通の安置所のように、解剖のためのわずかな遺体が置かれているにすぎなかった。遺体解剖のための医師2名とスタッフ2名がいただけだった。占領後の現在、とくにアル・ジャファリと内務省(Baker Jbur氏)が取り仕切る間にこの安置所は有名になった。というのも、とりわけ2月22日のサマーラ攻撃以降、民兵や殺し屋集団、警察、占領軍によるイラク人殺害はバグダッドではありふれたことになってしまったからだ。














2006年1月 1068
2006年2月 1110
2006年3月 1294
2006年4月 1115

HI all of my great friends

Im Isam ,Iraqi journalist and I back home four days ago but Im so sarupriezed when I see baghdad because Its became much deferent than before 40 days ,Its became worse and worse situation now
curphew from 9:00pm to 6:00 am every day and the chack point every where in baghdad and most of these chack points for militia and they take the people and kill them and the killing is every where now and every day we find many bodies in the street .
any chack point ask you when they stoped you and they ask you for your ID card and if you are Sunni you get arrested and kill after ,ohhhh
It became so difficulte to move in the street
Three days ago anf Im looking for any internet cafe to contact you and finelly I find one open today because there is no scurity at all and also there is no petrol to use generator for internet because there is no electricity in baghdad at all just one or two hours every day .
Iraqi people became very very sensitive from camera also .
you can see the sadnes in there facses and everyone feel sad because of this situation .
yesterday Mr Adel Al mosawi (the head of Baghdad central Morgue)said he recieved 8000 dead bodies in these last 6 months ago and you can emagine how many Iraqi people get kill every day ,
below is my last report about Baghdad central morgue I wrote it before I came to Japan and you can read it .
and the problem now is the families can not go to this morgue to take there friends dead bodies because there is militia wait there near the morgue and they kill every one try to get the bodies .
and I dont know how we(th journalist can continue in our work )it became scary work and I dont know how can i send the tapes (the footage) to my friend around the world to show themn this situation .
But I will find way ,I promice and Im also promice all of you friends I will continue in my work for peace even this work cost me my life.
with all my respect to all of you friends.
I tried to send you the pictures for new case of Luykimiya but I field because here in Baghdad is very bad conection and very slow ,but I will try again tomorrow or after with new report
1 July 2006


In Bab Al-Mu'atham near Baghdad city center there morgue called Baghdad central morgue ,three freeze rooms inside it .
Before occupation in 2003 it was like any morgue in the world just few bodies in it for anatomy and there was just two doctors with two persons do that(anatomy bodies)
Now and after occupation and specially during Al Ja'afari and the minister of interior (Mr.Baker Jbur)this morgue became famous because killing Iraqi people became normal everywhere in Baghdad by militias,death squads ,By police and by occupation forces specially after Samarra attack at 22en of last Feb.
Most of these dead bodies have been tortured by beating ,by electricity ,by acid (HNO3),by drills (make many halls in there bodies)and by other unknown horrible ways.
When any Iraq get arrest by police now in these days that mean we will find his dead body in one of Baghdad streets after some days (as one of Iraqi said to me and he refused to write his name).
because of these killing this morgue became not enough,
and to focus on this story we visited Baghdad central morgue to see the real situation there.
When I was near the morgue I smell the death smell from 30 meter from it and i felt sad because there were many Iraqi people there and they were sad and some of them were crying and they were waiting some thing near the morgue ,and i asked one of them about what are they wait here near the morgue and he said :
All of them are coming here to looking for there suns,fathers,mothers and for there friends who lost before some days ago and also looking for them because they get arrested by militias who wearing police uniform because now in Iraq any one arrested by militia who wearing police uniform his family looking for him in the morgue .

--Did they found any of lose persons?
Some of lost people are found inside morgue and others they didn't find them yet ,and they wait other bodies because Iraqi police are bring dead bodies many times to the morgue every day ,and when i was speak with Ahmed two of police cars came and they were carrying many bodies ,all of the people who were waiting there they start running towards police cars and they start searching for there suns between dead bodies (it was very sad view and it is difficult time for Iraqi more than the war ),during this chaos one of the people start shooting and say (THIS IS MY SUN) he got tutored and killed(I LOST HIM FOR EVER) he said, this man make every one there cry and remember there lost people and each one say sorry to him even me I couldn't hide my sad drops ,one of his sun's eye was plug off and there was many halls in his body some of these halls because of bolts and others because of drill.
After they toke his body to inside the morgue ,I asked his father his name was Ali some questions.

--Who killed your sun?
I don't know ,my sun was shopkeeper and his shop was in al Rasheed street and before three days he get arrested by police and I found him now get killed

--Why they killed your sun?
Because he is Sunni because police and militia are the same (as he said)and they killed every Sunni in Baghdad with out reason.

--Did your sun wanted from police ?
No,My sun was very lovely from all of his friends and every one like him and he was innocent and he did nothing wrong ,and Mr.Ali start cry after and asked me to don’t ask him more question because he feel very sad of his sun.

through this interview you can feel in one of Iraqi who lost his sun.
After that i tried to inter the morgue to interview any one work there but they didn't allow to me to inter because there is no permission for any journalist to report what happen inside the morgue ,one of the worker from inside the morgue his name was Adel and he was Egyptian advised me to leave as quick as possible because (he said)last manager for this morgue his name was (Faik Bakr) got death threat because he said there are more than 7000 Iraqi killed by death squads in last recent months and most of them there hands was tide behind there backs.
I left the morgue and start looking for some one who know about what happen inside the morgue and i found one ,he is guard for car parking near the morgue his name Ramadan ,I think his age was 40 to 43 (I don’t know exactly)and i asked him.

--How many dead bodies they bring to the morgue every day?
Before a week they brought more than 100 dead bodies in one day from Al-Taji 60km north Baghdad and in other day they bring just 20 bodies that mean in average 50 to 60 bodies every day 95% from them killed by militias and by death squads (as he said) ,
I feel sad here (he said)in this place because every one come here feel sad and i hope in one day i can find other work to leave this place .

--Did you interred the morgue before?
Yes, many times when I help the worker in the morgue by carrying bodies to inside .

--Is it cold enough to keep this number of dead bodies?
No it isn’t cold enough and they keep the bodies one over one and some the bodies are on the floor and everywhere inside the morgue .

--Did the dead bodies are Sunni or shia?
They are from both because of sectarian war now in Iraq(as he said)

--How do you know they are from both?
Because i saw there families when they came to take there bodies.
This was last interview and we can find many sad stories there but i couldn't because im human and i felt very sad for my nation and how they killed with cold blood and with out reason.

Finally I would like to maintain about the declaration for one of the doctor who work inside this morgue his name was (Kais Hassan)he said to one of satellite channel :

(Baghdad central morgue received
1068 bodies in last January2006 .
1110 bodies in Feb 2006.
1294 bodies in March 2006
1115 bodies in April 2006.
and before occupation 2003 we were received 7 to 10 dead bodies every day in average.
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