戦場だけじゃない!韓・日の基地にも広がる劣化ウラン弾 (3/23)
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2006年6月末、日本政府はイラクから日本軍(約700人の兵士) を撤退させることを決定した。イラクの人びとはそのことを大変歓迎しており、それに対する彼らの反応をみるため何人かのイラク人にインタビューを行った。


最初にインタビューしたのはSarmed Zuhair で、彼はイラクの公的機関の職員の一人である。彼は次のように述べた。



しかし、ANUのHanifa Imam (スンニ派でもっとも影響力のあるイマーム=宗教指導者)は次のように述べている。

一方、Alia Rafed はこう語っている。「私は日本にいって、イラクの人びとを助けてくれる皆さんに、自分の口から御礼を言いたいです。みなさんに、我々はすべて人間であり、私達は平和に暮らしたいだけなのだと伝えたいのです。私達はなにも悪いことなどしていませんでした。私達は無実です。だからアメリカ政府に問いたい。





At the end of Jun 2006 Japanese government decided to withdraw there troops from Iraq (around 700 soldiers) and Iraqi people was very happy for that, and I met some iraqi people to find out there reaction about that.
1st interview was with Mr. Sarmed Zuhair, he is officer in one of the Iraqi official office and he said:
I feel very happy and I want to thank every Japanese persons who share in this decision (draw the troop)and also i would like to thank Spanish and Italian people because they do the same and I hope that all occupation forces will withdraw there troops from Iraq in near future
--Japanese government said : their troops came to help Iraqi people in Samaw, is that right?
no,That's not true because till now the Samawa people suffer from the same bad condition, most of Samawa people are unemployed ,no services and no reconstruction progress ,and that mean Japanese troops came to help US troops not to help Iraqi people like British army and others.
But ANU Hanifa Imam (the biggest Sunni Imam)said:
We are respect Japanese people specially because we are friendly and Japanese people suffered from US troops before specially in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and they (US troops )do the same in Iraq now ,and what I want to say(the Imam said)Japanese people are brave to make this pressure to withdraw there troops from Iraq and we hoped that they make that from the beginning but its ok because they withdraw there troops now ,
and I would like to add some thing(Imam said)I wish that the Japanese government to stop help US troops by giving them money because the US troops use this money for dirty things like attack the innocent people and kill them like what happened in Afghanistan and in Iraq now .
and also US troops use Japan like biggest bases in the far east to attack the countries from there and also the are ready to attack Japanese people in any time because they don’t care and don't respect any one .
finally I want to thank Japanese people for there help and there donation to Iraqi people (Imam said)because I told him about the donation from Japan .
but Alia Rafed said: I want to go to Japan to thank every one for helping Iraqi people by my self and tell them we are all human and we want to live in peace and we did nothing wrong and we are not guilty and we ask American government :
--Why you kill Iraqi innocent people without reason? why????!!
--Mr.Bush , Why you came and occupy Iraq??!!
--Are Iraqi people are cheap people and cheap blood?? NO they are human like any human, and after all there crimes in Iraq ,I think its shame for every one to help them(American troops) ,and I need (Alia said)every one to know we are all innocent and we lived in peace and we were in our home and US troops come over the seas to occupy our country .
we have to fight against them to push the out ,
And what about Japanese troops ? I ask
We were very shocked when we hear that the Japanese government decided to send there troops to help US troops but thank of god because most of Japanese people are honest people and the push there government to withdraw there troops finally .
this was some of Iraqi people and there feelings about withdrawing Japanese troops from Iraq .and finally I would like to say :
Im so proud that I have great friends in Japan and all Iraq people appreciate there work for withdraw there troops from Iraq, and I wish you can stop helping American government by money and withdraw.
Japanese air force also in near future
And for every honest Japanese I have free invitation to Iraq and he will be my gust in my home ..

wrote by :
Isam Rasheed Abdul Rahman
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