戦場だけじゃない!韓・日の基地にも広がる劣化ウラン弾 (3/23)
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私は、(この地区のスンニー派住人の一人だったが)いまは移住している、Salah Al mashdani氏にインタビューを行った。彼はこのように証言している。




これが、現在、占領下にあるイラクの姿である。政府は当初からマフディー軍の対策などまったく考えてもいない。彼らはますます成長し、大きくなっている。現イラク政府には、本当にこうした民兵を壊滅したいと望む者は誰一人としていない。なぜなら、マフディー軍とはサドル師を意味し、バドル旅団とはハキム師を意味しているのだから。そして彼らこそがイラクを一日一日と破壊しているのである。私は、民兵が職場から人々を誘拐することで、イラクにおけるすべてのことをいかに機能停止させようとしているのか、について新たなレポートを書くつもりである。 (2006/12/20)


Al hurriya attack

Al hurriya is one of Baghdad's area and its northwest Baghdad and also its one of Baghdad old area , all the people live in this area are Iraqi , they live there together for more than 100 years ago in peace life nobody said im sunni or im shitte and they live like this but before ten months ago al mahdi army militia open many offices there and they start make problems between Sunni and shitte people to divide them between Sunni and shitte and then they started to emigrate Sunni people to outside Hurriya because al mahdi army are shitte people and there support from Iran.
last month Alhurriya became empty from Sunni people just small part called 3rd Hurriya.
At 10th of Dec 2006 many militia troops came from out side Hurriya and they surrounded the 3rd Hurriya and start raid the Sunni houses there , they killed many of Sunni and raped three women one these women was 58 years old and push all the Sunni people outside Hurriya.
I interview Mr.Salah Al mashdani (one of Sunni people live there)and emigrate now, he said:
he saw many armed men came to his house and he was running to ask Iraqi army (they were near this area) to help to protect his house but they didn't care and they said we are not responsible and you have to protect your home by your own hand that what they said to Salah.
I wasn't know what can I do with that (Salah said) the militia inter my house and they push my family out and there was no man at the house because they kill every man there and they were shooting in the air and they carrying many RPG 7 and they came with very modern cars (land cruiser) with 4weel drive.

--How many houses they raid?
Many houses Salah said and they killed many people in front of Iraqi army and most of the militia cars are for police ,and they pull one of guards at al Muhaimin mosque( sunni mosque there) for more than 500meters (his name was Khalid) and he dead when they pull him ,and they arrested many sunni and they massacre five from them and we found there heads in another area next day.

This is Iraq now under occupation and because they didn't care about the militia from the beginning and they grow more and became big and bigger and there is no one at Iraqi government really want to destroy these militias because Al Mahdi army mean Al-Sadr, Badr militia mean Al-Hakim and they just destroy Iraq day by day and I will write new report about how the militia try to stop every thing in Iraq by kidnapping people from there work. (20 Dec. 2006)
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